In the aftermath of Ryan Garcia’s controversial win over Devin Haney, the boxing world has been rocked by revelations of Garcia testing positive for a banned performance-enhancing drug (PED). The substance identified is Ostarine, a selective androgen receptor modulator (SARM), known for its ability to increase muscle mass and physical performance. The news has sparked a wide array of reactions across social media platforms, with many fans and observers questioning the integrity of the sport.
Garcia, who also missed weight for the fight, has vehemently denied any wrongdoing. In a defiant response, he stated, “All you motherfers that say I cheated, you guys can all suck my d. I didn’t f***ing cheat a day in my life. Never have, never will. I don’t move like that. Facts.” His comments have only intensified the debate over his actions and the consequences he should face.
Experts and fans alike are now discussing the potential implications for Garcia’s career, including possible fines or suspensions. There’s also talk about the fight result being overturned or declared a no-contest. Devin Haney, on the other hand, maintained his undefeated record despite the controversy, as the fight was for a belt that Garcia was ineligible to win due to missing weight, further complicating the aftermath.
The situation has raised serious questions about the effectiveness and timing of drug testing in boxing, especially given the high-profile nature of this bout. Some fans are cynical about the oversight, with comments suggesting that the financial incentives and entertainment value of such big fights overshadow the sport’s integrity. Others recall past incidents where boxers faced minimal repercussions for similar offenses, hinting at a pattern of inconsistent enforcement in the sport.
As the boxing community continues to grapple with these developments, the focus remains on the broader impact on the sport’s credibility and what steps can be taken to prevent such incidents in the future. Meanwhile, Garcia’s future hangs in the balance as he faces both a battle in the ring and a fight for his reputation outside of it.